15 ways to get more done by being less ‘busy’

Is being busy killing your busy-ness?


Are you in the habit of saying ‘I’m crazy busy these days’ ?

Are you really busy? Or maybe just disorganized?

Or maybe are you just not aligned with any particular vision?

Could be a combination of all of the above.

I would like to visit with you ‘15’ ways to get more done while being less busy all the time.

  1. Scratch your own itch — We often enjoy doing the things we are good at. Might as well market that passion or hobby. You‘ll be doing it anyway. Why not make money as you have fun

2. Outsource what you are are not so good at doing — because the people you are outsourcing to hopefully are doing the things they are good at. And if not, find the ones that are and hire them. It can be difficult in the beginning, maybe income flow is not great. So exchange services in the meantime you start having that income flowing.

3. Automate as much as possible — automation is key in any business. Be it funnels, newsletters, the buying process. Get out of the way of your business and watch it grow. Find the pain points that are slowing you down, and find a way to automate that process and allow you to work on your business instead of in your business.

4. Hire a marketing strategist — because they know what they are doing. Expanding on #2 here. They are good at it. And if no one knows the great product or service you are offering, no one will buy it. So get your head out of your ass, hire the expert adding get the word out there. There are tons of people in need of your product or service. Get the message out there.

5. Hire a social media manager — Social media is a must today. It gets really easy really fast to get lost in the noise. Mailchimp, funnel, lead pages, hook, email string, HALLELUJAH !!! So again with #2 expansion, this one is a must. If you are not using social media to its utmost, you are missing out.

6. Get an accountability buddy — Because it can be easy to cheat yourself when no one is watching. A bit harder when you set up a call with an accountability buddy every week. Set some weekly goals together and make sure you are moving the needle forward daily. Always forward, never back. Get shit done man.

7. Create a routine that works for you — Routines are great. They are an automation of the mind. When you don’t have to think about going to the gym anymore because it is a habit, strength, weight loss and being in shape is just a matter of time and fact at this point. Be the person that shows up daily and you will transform your life.

8. Systems vs goals — A system is what will get you there, and further. When we have a goal, it is easy to be demotivated once the goal is achieved. ‘I want to write an article.’ What do I do if I am tired after my first article and don’t want to write anymore? Maybe it is easier to just say ‘I will write every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 0800–100’, The articles will write themselves, because I have a system in place to execute. The goal is inevitable. So focus on the system that will accomplish the goal is simpler and easier than building on the motivation and willpower to accomplish the goal.

9. Are you doing something useful? — We are a social beast, humans. And it is in our nature to be of help to others. So, when we are doing something useful and of growth, it is more fulfilling to put the time and effort into the business. Let’s be honest, I’d rather pour my heart and soul in a business that is helping relieve some type of ailment than some trinket we will all forget in a month.

10. Let go of mind-numbing activities — Netlfix, Facebook, Instagram, what is the weather like tomorrow, binge drinking. These are all activities that numb the mind. Of course once and a while it can be enjoyable, even necessary to stop the mind machine and just relax. Let’s face it though, these are more than regular activities in our daily life today. Make sure you have control over the habit, and it’s not the other way around.

11. Surround yourself with productive people — It is said we are the average of the 5 people we hang out with the most. Take a moment to be aware of who those people are. Are they productive like you would like to be? Are they organized? Are they effective and efficient? Can you look up to them and count on them to help you get to where you want to be? No? Time to fire some people from your life. Or, at the very least, spend less time with them. And if there is nobody in your current circle of friends that fit the bill, well a virtual mentor can do the trick for now. Read a book, watch a documentary, or a movie that will inspire you to new heights and a better understanding of who you want to be.

12. Read productivity books — I’v been reading productivity and personal growth books for as long as I can remember. Started with ‘Peaceful Warrior’ when I was 18 and have never stopped. I’m 44 today. And let me tell you, novels are required once and awhile to let go and let loose. Just not every day. At least, not for me. And probably not for you if you are reading this. So make sure to always have a book that challenges your current thinking and inspires you to become something more.

13. Document your process and progress — Journaling is a very useful tool. It helps you see progress. Video is also very good. I am in the habit of recording my thoughts as I drive to work often. Because yes, I have a full time job on top of my personal coaching business and the Neurogenesis retreats I host every two months. And when I find I am not doing enough. I stop. I reflect. And sometimes I read a journal entry I wrote a few months ago, or a year, and I notice the progress. I notice yesterday’s goals are actually today’s accomplishments.

14. Gratitude journal daily — Learning to see the positive is a superpower. Make sure you hone yours to perfection. Because when working in and on a business, it is easy to get bogged down with negativity and failures. It is absolutely essential to learn to change that mindset and focus on the lessons, and the positive outcomes of any and every situation. If not, it is a surefire way to just quit. Even though sometimes that is the best thing to do, quit and go a different road, you want to make sure it is because you have reflected and learned a lesson and you are not acting out of spite and discouragement.

15. Meditate — Each and every day. The mind is a terrific tool, but a poor master. Learning how it works, what are it’s tricks and pitfalls, how to change your mind, how to enter comfortable and empowering states, calming the mind and feeling good now, will give the the tools for a better and more enjoyable life.

There it is.

The list is surely just an introduction into the matter. But I feel I have covered the bases for now.

Want to learn more about the mind, systems, feeling good and the power of an abundance mindset? Follow me for more.

Because I am just getting started.

Are you ready?

Click here for a quick coaching call to determine if you are ready for the next level of life. https://calendly.com/joeykasz/60min

Interested in feeling more alive, I host bi-monthly retreats teaching you embodied cognition and the power of love and laughter. Sign up this newsletter for up to date information on our next retreat. http://bit.ly/NeuroGmail



Joey Joyful | Hypnologist

Hypnosis | Mindfulness | Gratitude | Vibrational Healing | Channeling messages to expand my consciousness and sharing what I experience.